Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bundle O' Blueberries

Hello! This post will be about a quick snack that you can make in about 30 mins! It is delicious and a sweet treat you can eat without guilt!


  1. Vanilla Yogurt (can be Greek, Fat-Free, Lactose-Free, Pro biotic, etc.)
  2. Skewers
  3. Blueberries

  1. If your blueberries are frozen, then defrost them. If not then you can skip this step.
  2. Grab your skewers and push your berries up the stick.
  3. For this step you can either pour your yogurt on a plate and roll your kabob in it. Or you could do what I did and take a spoon and scoop out some yogurt and coat the blueberries that way. 
  4. Cover your kabobs with Saran or Cling wrap (after you place them on a freezer friendly plate)
  5. Depending on how cold your freezer is this might take longer. My freezer settings were set on "4" and I put the kabob's in for 30-45 mins.
  6. When they are completely frozen take them | Enjoy!


     The final picture is at the top, sorry for the inconvenience 
    This is just a random picture, but I saw this beautiful butterfly today
    eating it's lunch! :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cream Puff Tutorial

I made this video on We Video, and I wanted to share it with you 
guys! So the video explains everything, and I hope you get a chance to look at my 2 new Facebook pages. I need likes on the page so help me out guys thanks!! Sorry about such a short post.
Love you!! 

Link to the Video is Here!
Facebook Page Links Here!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Zucchini Bread

Hey everyone so I have not posted in a long time so 
I decided to post a recipes that I have actually done twice now, because it is so good. I hope you guys like the recipe. Sorry about the short post but I didn't do a tutorial, just a recipe!!!!
↑↑↑Link is here↑↑↑

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